This is the privacy statement of (hereinafter Love by Lolita). On this page we let you know what personal data we collect when you use our website, why we collect this data and how we improve your user experience. The information about you that we process will be treated and secured with the highest possible care. The processing of personal data is done in a manner that is in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) of May 25, 2018.

What data do we collect?

Delivery and billing address
Account number
E-mail address
phone number
Buying behavior
IP address
Surfing behavior
What do we use this data for?
We use the above personal data for the following purposes:

To execute the agreement concluded with you;
To inform you about the order you have placed;
To provide you with good customer service;
To maintain and optimize the website and associated technologies;
Marketing purposes.
We do not collect or use information for purposes other than the purposes described in this privacy statement unless we have obtained your permission in advance.

How is this data used?
General visitor data is kept on the website. In this context, the IP address of your computer in particular can be registered and used for statistical analyzes of visiting and clicking behavior on the site. We try to anonymize these data as much as possible. This information is not provided to third parties. All data is used to execute the agreement concluded with you. The data is stored on Love by Lolita's own secure servers or those of a third party. We will not combine this data with other personal data we have. Love by Lolita respects the privacy of all users of its site and ensures that the personal information you provide is treated confidentially.

This privacy statement applies to all services of Love by Lolita. You should be aware that Love by Lolita is not responsible for the privacy statements of other sites and sources. By agreeing to the privacy statement on the home page, you agree that we process your personal data.


We collect reviews via the WebwinkelKeur platform. If you leave a review via WebwinkelKeur, you are required to provide your name, place of residence and email address. WebwinkelKeur shares this information with us so that we can link the review to your order. WebwinkelKeur also publishes your name and place of residence on its own website. In some cases, WebwinkelKeur may contact you to provide an explanation of your review. If we invite you to leave a review, we will share your name and email address with WebwinkelKeur. They only use this information for the purpose of inviting you to leave a review. WebwinkelKeur has taken appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect your personal data. WebwinkelKeur reserves the right to engage third parties to provide services, and we have given WebwinkelKeur permission to do so. All the above-mentioned guarantees with regard to the protection of your personal data also apply to the parts of the services for which WebwinkelKeur engages third parties.

Retention period
Love by Lolita stores the personal data for as long as the company continues to exist or until a request for oblivion/rectification is made.

Third parties
By agreeing to the processing of personal data, you agree to your data being shared with third parties. We have made agreements or entered into processing agreements with these third parties to ensure that personal data is handled with care. We will not share data with parties other than those listed in this article unless Love by Lolita is obliged to do so by law and regulations. In some cases, the information may be shared internally. Our employees are obliged to respect the confidentiality of your data. Data is shared with the following parties:

Shopify and apps
Google Analytics
QLS fulfillment
Tourist voucher
Fashion Check
Hosting services
This privacy statement is tailored to the use of and the options on this site. Any adjustments and/or changes to this site may lead to changes in this privacy statement. You will not receive a notification when the privacy statement is changed, so it is therefore advisable to regularly consult this privacy statement.

Your rights regarding personal data

The right to data port